FAQ: Encountering 404 Issue While Accessing the Appknox Dashboard?
Many a times we might get a 404 Error when trying to access the Appknox Dashboard via VPN/Proxy. Please perform the below mentioned actionable items to avoid such scenarios: Check if the backend is connecting by visiting color ff2600 and everything should be operational Add *.appknox.com to whitelist domain Add appknox-production.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com to whitelist domain Add appknox-prSome readersFAQ: IP Whitelisting for DAST and API Scan
IP whitelisting is a security feature often used for limiting and controlling access only to trusted users. It will enable your team to further not highlight access from following IPs as a risk. Below are IP's that you need to whitelist if you are performing Appknox Assessment on your mobile application. 1) Dynamic Assessment and Manual Scan (PT): If you need to Whitelist the IPs for running the - please whitelist http://devicefarm.appknox.com/ (htFew readers