iOS and Android - Build Creation Guide
For iOS Application:
a) Select: Product ---> Archive

b) Click on Export button

c) Select your Code Signing Account:

d) IMPORTANT: Export as "Save for Development Deployment"

e) Choose: Export One Application for all Compatible devices

f) Check the Summary:

g) Select the Location to Create a folder and save the IPA file:

h) Upload the IPA in the Appknox Dashboard:
For Android Applications
a) Go To Build and Click on Generate Signed APK

b) Android Studio will open a dialog box. Click on Next

c) Now you will need to create Key Store Path. Click on Create New..

d) Now locate Key Store path in your system where you want to save JKS file of your project. Click on ... (dots) to locate the path:

e) After locating the path from your system. Give any name to the JKS file that will be created and click on OK.

f) Fill the other details and click ok. For example, kindly refer the image below:

g) Click on Next

h) Now edit the destination folder of the signed APK file, choose build type as Release and the select signature versions. Finally click Finish:

i) Upload the APK in the Appknox Dashboard:
Updated on: 01/15/2020
Thank you!